Who could have imagined coming into office while the entire world was in the throes of a pandemic? The challenges were enormous, but with Pat's hard work, the clubs in District 6630 managed not just to survive but to thrive. Pat helped all of us overcome what many saw as insurmountable obstacles. In fact, despite having to meet via Zoom for the entire year, our clubs inducted 100 new members.
To honor Pat's service, we presented her with an engraved stone that will be placed in the pollinator garden at Ellsworth Hill Elementary school. The 50-pound stone will be a lasting testament to Pat's hard work and dedication to the values and ideals of Rotary International.
All of us are grateful to have had Pat at the helm during the turbulent year just passed. Congratulations, Pat, for a job very, very welll done!
At the same social meeting, we celebrated the induction of John Laird as our President for 2021-2022. John already has ambitious goals for the club, which we will be writing about in the weeks ahead. Congratulations, John, and best wishes for success in the year ahead