Posted on Jan 16, 2020
De-de Mulligan, the President and Chief Content Marketing Specialist of Mulligan Management Group talked to us about email etiquette and how to craft the perfect email.
The average person gets 80 emails per day. 85% of these emails are viewed on a smart phone. The email is either a delete or read. Emails have to be better, shorter and smarter. The reply to all is clogging up emails.

Emails have two purposes; to inform or most of the time to persuade, call to action or get a response. If your email isn’t one of these don’t send it. Call or Text.
In 2009 social media came about. People are flooded and are tired of being jerked around. You control your own email list. Determine who needs to see your email.
Don’t cc Al Smith if he mentioned your name.
Email one event at a time. Don’t send out a list because its a big mistake. Don’t overwhelm because they will only make one decision. Emails go across almost all generations and have replaced texting. It is always better to pick up the phone.
Never use all caps because it is considered shouting. People do it to show importance. Emails should not have attachments.
For business emails the To: line should have the name of a person and the subject line should be 30 characters or less. The should be three parts; Intro, Body and Closing. Use a button to register people.
To learn more, visit the Mulligan Management Group website.